There are different pruning methods for our marijuana cultivation : apical pruning , bass pruning , FIM pruning , RIB pruning and other techniques such as Super Cropping and Low Stress Training . Depending on the type of plant and the characteristics of our space, we can choose the technique that is most appropriate. Pruning will help us to maximize the space of our cultivation, make better use of irrigation and light, and obtain better performance in our production. We must remember that pruning will give us good results if we have germinated feminized marijuana seeds or regular seeds. Different weed seeds for sale online like kush mints seeds and white widow seed.

On the other hand, if we have autoflowering cannabis seeds, the results from pruning are scarce. Many of the techniques pruning they are combinable with each other and as each one has different application times, you can use one or the other for each phase according to you interest. For example, if you have sprouted your marijuana seeds in spring, your plant will grow tall very quickly and will need to be pruned. On the other hand, if you have planted in autumn, when the flowers start to come out, it may not be necessary to prune since we could have smaller buds. To use any technique For pruning it is essential that your utensils are sterilized to avoid the transmission of any disease, virus or bacteria. Clean with alcohol any tool that you are going to use to prune your marijuana plant: scissors, razor, knife, cutter, etc ...


The apical pruning technique is one of the best known and used by most marijuana growers. It consists of cutting the apex, the upper part of the central stem so that the result can be doubled through two main axes, which will create their respective central bud. In addition, with the apical pruning technique you can control the height of your plant, which can be very useful depending on your storage space. cultivation or if you don't want it to stand out from your garden, etc. It is advisable to perform apical pruning in the growth phase so that the shoots take a good size. Do not rush to start pruning, wait until the plant has at least three nodes and that it has developed well. In a few days you will see that more flowers will be created in the new branches.


The bass pruning technique consists of pruning the lower parts of our cannabis plant to increase production and give strength to the upper flowers, thus avoiding having many smaller flowers and scattered. The ideal time to do this pruning is at the beginning of the flowering phase , before 20 days of flowering have passed. Depending on the size of the plant, it is advisable to cut between 5 and 8 branches to encourage and concentrate the growth of the other flowers in the upper part. In addition, in the lower parts not so much light enters and the flowers do not take on so much volume. This type of pruning will also help us avoid possible pests . Many insects, fungi, and mites grow in hot, humid, and leafy spaces. Pruning this area will lower the density of the plant, reducing humidity and promoting ventilation of the plant.


FIM pruning is a technique that appeared by accident. An American who was doing topping, forgot to cut a piece at the top of the stem. Hence its name "Fuck I missed". What he discovered is an amazing result. Unlike apical pruning, which bends the central stems, with this technique 4 to 8 shoots can be created, the result is unpredictable but the certainty is that it is very productive . It is about doing a cut of the 2/3 parts of the top node , instead of cutting the entire shoot. If we do not cut well and cut everything, we do not have any risk since at least we would be doing apical pruning, and the central stem will bend.


The acronym for this technique comes from “Right, I burned it”, which means “Yes, I have burned it”. And this is the basis of this technique used already in the flowering phase , when we have already been around 20 or 30 days, depending on the species. Ideally, do it in the middle of this phase. This method, like the FIM, was also discovered by accident, when the plants did not stop growing and the flowers came into focus and burned. By surprise it was detected that the reaction of the plant in full hormonal phase is to repopulate the area with more force . So, here the key is in burning the pistils of the buds . It is most recommended in indica marijuana plants.


Super cropping, whose name means "super harvest", is not considered a pruning technique in itself because it is not about cutting any part of the marijuana plant. It consists of promoting horizontal growth , bending some branches to prevent its excessive vertical growth and to increase its performance. Care must be taken when bending to avoid breaking the branch. It's about bending it delicately until it creaks . In a few days a callus will have formed in that part and the branches will be strengthened creating larger buds and improving production. It can be done during the growth phase and at the beginning of the flowering phase .


Low stress training translates as low stress braiding. It is designed to maintain horizontal growth gaining performance while you gain discretion in front of your neighbors. All in a softer way without being too aggressive with the plant or pruning. The hormones of the strain, instead of going to a central and high point, will be distributed among the different branches of the marijuana plant to create quality buds . It's about guiding the central stem to where you want to grow, parallel to the surface to promote horizontality. Wait until the plant has 4 or 5 knots to make sure it is well developed for it. You can use a rope or a moldable wire but that does not damage the stem, above all.